Industry Insights
Ryanair hit with TV ad ban over ‘Jab and Go’ campaign
Even the big brands get it wrong. This was the third most complained about ad of all time!
Jeff Bezos’s success at Amazon is down to one thing: focusing on the customer
Was Jeff Bezo focused on innovation of the customer??? Know your customer and the rest will follow!
A perfect planet? Why the BBC hijacked its own billboard by setting it on ‘fire’
Out-of-home marketing can still have an impact during lockdown!
Brands are returning to brand building, says Google
It is important to keep your brand profile raised, in order to keep your brand top of your customers minds.
Three rules for more effective B2B marketing
Here are three great tips about how to make better B2B advertising. More brands could do with following these basic principles that B2C brands tend to do well.
Should Marketers be Considering the Potential of Rising Social App Clubhouse?
Clubhouse, the new social platform is causing a stir but should marketers look to be utilising this app within their social media strategy?
TikTok Lays Out Plans for New eCommerce Integrations as it Eyes the Next Stage
Tik Tok could be in danger of losing its market share if it doesn’t;t find a way to integrate eCommerce options. There is potentially a huge revenue stream that they are missing out on.
Creative Trends for 2021: Brands need to tune in to culture and take note
Brands need to be more self-aware and action accordingly. There needs to be diversity in the application and the thinking behind the creative.
Valentine’s Day 2021: how are brands targeting the day of love?
Brands and organizations around the world are contemplating how to celebrate the day of love when so many cannot be together.
Facebook is Reportedly Developing its Own Clubhouse Clone
Rumour has it that Facebook is looking to launch their own version of Clubhouse!!!
What made Weetabix baked beans a viral hit – from the agency behind it
Debatability and believability are the heart of this social media storm. Top tips to take away from the Weetabix campaign.
How the Office for National Statistics filmed its group portrait of the UK
The Office of National Statistics has released an ad to encourage the public to complete the Census. They looked at their previous data to work out which parts of the population they needed to appeal to
Facebook Shares New Insights into How to Maximize the Reach of Your Video Content
Some tips to keep in mind when posting video content to Facebook. The main rule of thumb is to post content that is engaging!
Twitter Launches Live Test of Voice Recordings in DMs
Twitter has launched voice messages in Brazil, India, and Japan!!! Is this something we need???? Are they thinking this will compete or complement ClubHouse!?!?!?
Burger King’s nostalgic rebrand was a huge hit. 2 designers explain why it was a success.
Burger King rebrand for the first time in 20 years and they have nailed it! A simplified retro-looking logo complemented by illustrations, it just works on so many levels. What do you think?
McDonald’s reveals surprise new look (but can it take Burger King’s crown?)
Hot on the heels of Burger King, #McDonald’s have redesigned their package. They too have taken an illustrative route. Are these brands showing us what design in 2021 is going to look like?!?!? But the question is BK or Maccy Ds?
10 Tips to Boost Your LinkedIn Presence in 2021
Here are some really useful tips on how to get the most out of LinkedIn.
OOH: Covid casualty or example to other channels? How lockdown transformed the oldest ad format
OOH still has a role to play in advertising even during lockdown. In fact, it looks like OOH is doing better during lockdown as brands are being noticed and remembered!
Memes in a post-breakfast world: lessons from Specsavers’ response to Weetabix and beans
national conversation + personality + brand message = relevance
Specsavers share how they use what is trending and turn it into a brand message.
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